ShadowPuppet >> Game #1 - Adam Eivy & Lena Eivy >> Pieces
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Game #1 : Piece ~ 7 ~ Cheshire Cat

Cheshire Cat       Cheshire cats have been around since the ancient Egyptians first sketched one into a pyramid wall. They look exactly like any other cat until the smile creeps up on their faces, revealing the Cheshire's true nature: that of incredible slyness. Like most cats the Cheshire is mostly lazy and no amount of smiling will change that. Unlike most cats the Cheshire is born with an immediate understanding of every language ever devised and some that have not yet been devised. Neither does being able to speak these languages change the laziness of a Cheshire and so they usually remain silent — only listening. Many dissertations have been the backbone of a scientific thesis that, contrary to popular belief, Cheshire cats cannot make themselves invisible. Some argue that they can blend into shadows so well that the human eye cannot see them, while others have made mathematical models that the Cheshire is actually a four dimensional creature, who, moving outward into 4d, suddenly vanishes with a grin.
      This image was gathered from and is Copyright Contois Reynolds.

The Cheshire Cat is piece #7 in Mappalujo² game #1:

Read Game #1 ~ 7 ~

pieces : 1-CheshireFractal ~ 2-Jester ~ 3-ChessWorld ~ 4-AstralLand ~ 5-Illuminati ~ 6-Jabberwocky ~ 7-CheshireCat ~ 8-Fractalpus ~ 9-Moonflower : pieces