ShadowPuppet >> Game #1 : Adam Eivy & Lena Eivy
what is mappalujo?
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~ 9 ~ EndGame ~ 9 ~

The cat known as Kitty darted across the living room silently slipping from one dimension to another; first dodging a chair in the third dimension, then running through a table in the forth. It was his favorite game to play and the one that always seamed to perplex his human friend the most. "Where's my little kitty?" she would ask in that high pitched voice clearly meant for some form of intelligence far inferior to her own. "Kitty?...Kitty? Where are you?" It was the thought of food that tempted him to appear. She would shake the bag just in case he had any doubt about what was being offered. He would appear and brush up against her leg - this always seamed to appease her - and she would scoop out the food. But she was gone.

In her place was a much uglier, much hairier creature who clearly had no intentions of providing food of any sort any time soon. He carried a bunch of flowers whose fluorescent blue glow instantly gave them away as moonflowers. "Tracy?" he called uncertainly. Maybe if I knock over the food bag, he'll get the idea, thought Kitty. Subtlety was lost on these creatures. Darting from the forth back into the third dimension, he threw his body weight against the side of his food bag. The sound was quite abrupt in an otherwise silent apartment and the ugly creature spun around with a small yelp. Relief flooded his face when he noticed the source of the fall. He seamed completely unconcerned with Kitty's hunger and quickly resumed his search of the apartment.

By this point the moonflowers in his hand had doubled, for it is a well known fact that that is what moonflowers do. They live and when they come in contact with another of their kind, they breed. The entire process takes approximately 10 minutes. Kitty had made the mistake of trying to eat a moonflower once and had ended up with a broken tooth in the process; since then he has steered clear of the glowing flower.

Satisfied that Tracy was not at home, the ugly one relaxed visibly as a more determined look crossed his face. Kitty decided that he didn't like this human. He smelled funny and anything with that many moonflowers was trouble. The man placed his load, which must have been at least 100 flowers now, in the center of the room and darted out the door. Lacking anything better to do with an empty stomach, Kitty watched the moonflowers replicate and slowly fill up the room. Their stems dug into the ground sucking the energy out of anything they came in contact with; the floor, the couch, the sofa, even the fish that Kitty had long hoped might be his someday. By the time Tracy gets home, there'll be nothing left of her apartment, Kitty thought. Those humans in heavy masks will have to quarantine the area. Lacking an opposable thumb, Kitty could think of no way to get into the food without the help of Tracy, and due to these pestilent moonflowers, there was no way Tracy would be allowed back into her apartment. With a remorseful heart, Kitty slipped away onto an intangible plane, just as a moonflower's stem embedded itself in the spot he had occupied.

pieces/chapters/relics : 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 : relics/chapters/ghosts