ShadowPuppet >> Game #1 : Adam Eivy & Lena Eivy
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~ 2 ~ Jester ~ 2 ~

A loud pounding shattered Tracy’s intent focus on the Multivision. Closing her eyes, she breathed in deeply, hoping that whoever or whatever was making that noise would go away. All silent except for the mindless drone of the Multivision. "I don’t believe it folks. I just don’t believe it. What we have just witnessed is the birth of a new species. A Cheshire Fractal, if you will." Add another one to the list. Tracy thought, Once we’re finished destroying all the 'natural' species, there will be plenty of "new and improved" animals to fall back on.

Another burst of pounding. Go away, go away, Tracy frantically thought. I don’t need a subscription to another holoview, and I certainly don’t want to be the victim of the next reality TV show.

The persistent pounding increased in intensity and volume. Mr. Kiddy, now thoroughly frightened scrambled for the nearest bed, scratching Tracy’s leg as he lunged for it. Frustrated, Tracy switched the Multivision set from "TV" to "front door".

The figure beating upon her door was instantly recognizable. His face was all white except for two blue diamonds over each eye and a blue nose. He was dressed in a blue and white jumpsuit with an oversized hat upon his head. A chaotic array of spikes protruded from this hat like socks sticking out of a full laundry basket, each ending in a tiny bell. The half frustrated breath stopped dead in Tracy’s throat. The Jester. A chill raced up her spine as she briefly entertained the idea of bolting for the nearest window; a three hundred story drop to the ground. She could hide, but the Multivision had already alerted the Jester to her presence. To refuse him entry was criminal. Yet, a message the Jester carried could only mean one thing: she would have to play the game.

pieces/chapters/relics : 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 : relics/chapters/ghosts